How to use the bot

Learn how to use the counters

Runing commands

Simply mention the bot and specify the command like this:

@Member Counter help

Create/edit a counter

Counters are placed by writing them in a channel name or topic, if something is between two curly braces ({}), Member Counter will consider it a counter, and it will update it in the next 10 minutes (5 minutes for premium)

You can place counters in one of the following places:

  • In a voice channel name

  • In a category channel name

  • In a text channel topic

  • In a news channel topic

For this example we are gonna use {members}, which counts the total amount of members in your discord server, you will find more counters below

Create a new channel, or/and edit it, and write {members} in the name or topic, and click "save changes"

Then, wait up to 10 minutes, and Member Counter will update it:

You can also add multiple counters in one name/topic, and combine them with your own content, here is a example:

If you reach the character limit when you are editing a name/topic, please check @Member Counter help editChannel

You can see the current counter configurations with @Member Counter seeSettings, this is useful to copy/paste and add more counters without disabling the previous ones

Remove a counter

Edit the channel and write {disable} in the name/topic, Member Counter will replace it to a ✅, that means that you removed all the counters of that channel successfully

You can also delete the channel directly

List of counters

Preview counters

Instead of waiting to see how will be the final result, you can use @Member Counter preview to check how will look your custom counters in a channel name or topic


@Member Counter preview {onlineMembers} of {members} Online

Displaying large counts

Use @Member Counter shortNumber when the counts are too large, the format of this compact notation will depend on the locale


@Member Counter shortNumber enable
@Member Counter shortNumber disable

Last updated